

Felt I should open  with that. 

Sorry about the long wait, but as I said before, the old artist left and I had to find a new one. 

The good news is, I did. Bad news is that they are currently working on a different project and need to finish that first. I decided to wait till they finished that. 

Here's a twitter post showcasing the art if you want to view the style.

Hope you all can wait just a little longer for a new update. In the meantime I'm going to get some other projects finished if I can. So keep a lookout. 

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(5 edits)

I found a bug, somehow I have -3 trust potions. I have -3600 Jewels. If you talk to Mirajane she just takes the 6k and a potion regardless of whether or not you have it. Same with the events where you put a potion in someone's drink, like with the grape gathering for Cana.

Are you able to share what this project is? I'm new to this so I'll finish this first of course, but if their project isn't done yet I'd probably like to check that out while I wait.

(1 edit)

I tots forgot this existed I was literally here from the Start since it was but a mere demo, i remember you were one of the few patron dev I liked enough to pay membership for until... Well it went dead for a time 🫡 I also had been pretty broke at that time so I needed to cut off unnecessary spending 🤷🏼‍♂️

Yeah I remember you. Sorry that this went dead. not only did the artist leave but I also just lost steam for this project. I'm still more interested in some of my other games right now, but with the wait i need to do for the artist now, I should be ready to go when they are.